Sicily is a destination that is starting to get more attention, but still remains mysterious and with a name that leads many to think of the mafia, olive oils and an active volcano, Mount Etna, which is always predicted an eruption at any moment.
This beautiful but closed island, where time has stood still despite the outside world globalization and escaped the worst of the crisis thanks to its local system. This beautiful Sicilia Bedda rich in agriculture, oil, gas, culture and history where you can ski on Mount Etna and look down to the long sandy beaches south of Catania. Sounds like a dream. Oh yes, a dream for many to live or to visit.

Sicilians are very hospitable. They have the typical Islander mentality. A little lighter, a little easier, a little more closed and has been able to preserve their own culture and tradition. In Sicily they speak Sicilian, a language different from Italian. It is added in dialects, but is better suited to be called a language. Sicilians understand and speak Italian, but a northern Italian do not understand Sicilian. The language is a mixture of Arabic, French, Spanish and Italian. This language also changes in the regions, where the language can be called dialects. A word in Palermo may mean something entirely different in Catania and also pronounced differently.

It's quiet on the island, as a tourist, you can feel both safe and welcome. As a visitor, you obviously have common sense and do not seek to vulnerable areas, but have never heard of assaults or other typical street crimes against tourists. As a woman, you often hear Hello, beautiful you! Can I get your number? But more than this will not be. Take it as a compliment than otherwise.

What to consider when you are traveling to Sicily:
• To show respect towards people avoid asking about the Mafia. Sicilians like to leave this topic to the history. There are a lot of information about the phenomenon if curiosity strikes; in bookstores, tourist information and especially the internet. However, it is perfectly ok to e.g. buy the white classic hat with black band, mugs with the Godfather, visit the places etc.
• When you look for information about bus, train, car, etc, ask always several persons so you get correct information. Most towns have a tourist information, by railway- and bus stations or Piazza Duomo. All towns and villages have a central location and it is the city's main church square, usually called Piazza Duomo.
• Sicily is a food rich island, search yourself off the tourist trail, it is usually enough with a couple of streets away from the main streets. If you ask for advice, the person usually recommend a restaurant that his friend owns. Avoid restaurants that look typical  and with red-checked tablecloths on. Dare to choose otherwise. A general tip is to avoid restaurants that offer Menu Turistico and look for restaurants that are labeled Trattoria Cucina Tipica. Please ask the waiter or the owner to choose the food for you. Ask about wine from a small local vinery, it gives you a better quality for the same prices. The main grape is Nero d'Avola, red wine and Chardonnay white wine. Basic rule is to eat fish at port cities and meat in mountain towns. In Sicily they eat by seasons. And thanks to its local produce it is easy to find vegetarian alternatives. Something that will never lack in Sicily is food.

• Always carry cash. Not much, but withdraw  regularly. In Sicily, they paymostly in cash.
• The infrastructure is good in Sicily, it just requires a little more planning.
• Make sure to get to your destination during the day if you do not have accommodation booked in advance. You then have the opportunity to seek alternatives because you do not have the stress that can lead to unnecessarily high prices.
• Completely safe to buy groceries, fruit and vegetables, drinks etc. from street vendors. Those who sell from small vans or Ape, (a small car with a flat bed, for one person and may run up to 50km / h), are honest sellers.
• Do not hold or touch the other things. Everyman's right does not apply here.
• The police is friendly and will come when you call. Health care is very good. Do not get stressed by their excitable way to communicate. It is the island style. Stand your ground! Do not be afraid.

• Remember that Sicily is divided into regions and change accordingly. Catania is a lively city, open around the clock. While Palermo is a more closed town where city life dissapears after 22:00. Differences can be seen in architecture, landscape, order, food, open hours, traffic, etc..
• Sicily is actually a rich island no matter what is written, so do as the locals; dress discreetly, do not have your wallet in your pocket and leave the jewelry at home. Then nobody is looking at to you because of false motives. It is immediately visible which are the tourists, having their bag very cloce on the front of the body, walking on the sidewalk and apologize.
• Dare to haggle.
• The kitchens in restaurants open around 20:00 and closes when the last guest left. During the day you can find Tavola Calda (small pizzas, calzone, rice balls) in all coffee shops. In Catania and Palermo are many snack bars.
• Always be in time because schedule may be different depending on where you're looking, the safest is to look on the internet and phone.
• In Sicily exists the so-called Spanish siesta. Here the name is the only lunch break. The shops are closed, generally between 13:30 to 16:30. Most cities also practice closed on Sundays and closed on Monday morning.
• Most do not speak English, but do not worry. They want to understand you.

Johanna is a writer for You can find the origial article in swedish HERE


    Johanna Sofia Siljehagen. Finno-Swedish multi entrepreneur living and travelling in Sicily since February 2009. These blogposts are articles written for a swedish travel company
    Visit her personal blog Living in Sicily.


    Juli 2013

